Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Staring at ALDO

I am literally staring at this beige ALDO high heeled boots.

I know it'll fit me but I am just not so sure if I can walk on these for more than an hour. I don't even think I can stand on these for a minute. But dang, I am sure these heels will break necks in seconds.

But why am I buying it for? For every ladies' appreciation or mine?

How many times have we fallen into this trap of buying something just because it looks nice on our feet but in reality, it kills it. I have tons of killer heels like these and I have learned my lesson. Unless I am some thin lady walking on this long ramp to boot my fashion statement, I ain't wearing this baby.

Comfort first then reason. Am I wearing it for myself, or for everyone's appreciation?

So no, stay where you are. Let someone fall for you but definitely, it won't be me.

Oh, and just in case, she got you at hello, you may get her here. Don't say I didn't warn you though.

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